Cucumber Nutrition
Below is the reptile nutrition label for cucumbers. We created this label using information found on the USDA and other reputable sources.
Cucumber (peeled)Per 100g Serving
Cucumber Health Concerns
Overall cucumbers are not health nor unhealthy. They provide some nutrients, but not as much as other vegetables that can be fed in place of cucumbers. There are a few minor health concerns when serving cucumbers to bearded dragons.
Poor Calcium to Phosphorus RatioCucumbers contain more phosphorus than calcium, which is not ideal as phosphorus blocks calcium from being absorbed. This means your bearded dragon will need to be served additional foods rich in calcium to keep the minerals in balance.
Very HydratingCucumbers are easy to eat and contain a lot of water. You should limit the amount of cucumbers fed to bearded dragons as they can become overhydrated which can lead to diarrhea.